Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Experiment for July and Expo

This is my experiment for July and Expo. It's called Notes Bag, made from cotton. Coz it's only for experiment so it's not maximal. I'm trying to give an application for the cover. Just wait for it.


Anita from


Puwi said...

kereeeennn...pengen bgt buat, tp ilmu blm sampe..hehee....
good work mbak :)

ShopWitches said...

ah masaaaaaa...hehehehehhe. dirimu kan lebih jagoooooo
ini masih experiment sih, lagi nyoba dihias2 covernya. ayo dicobaaa...

oya, aq juga lolos PASNI ITB!! nanti kita saling mengunjungi yaaa!! Congrats 4 u ya, aq sama temenku juga seneeeng banget bisa lolos ^^