Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Workshop is on the Magz!

Finally the magz is in da houz!! Finally my hard work for my workshop is paid, my bachelor degree for Interior Design is proved. Hahahahahaha! Well how do you think?

PS: feel free to contact me if you need a Designer Interior, need an advice, want to have a discussion, or shares idea ^^

Credit to: Imelda Akmal, IAAW, Gramedia


Anita from


printiland said...

waahhh seruu bangett :D
oia..salam kenal dari printilan ;) rumahnya ada di daerah mana?

ShopWitches said...

halooooooooo salam kenal jugaaaaa!!! ^^

rumahnya di daerah kelapa dua-depok situ. rumah kamu dimana?

hahahahaha berasa kenalan jaman SD

Puwi said...

congratulation babies... (ini karena ada banyak witches hihihi)

ShopWitches said...

hahahahhaa thank you dear. Tp tepatnya ini workshop gue sendiri sih (Anita). Workshopnya nyebar2 sih, ada yg di Bandung segala